Maria Gorjão Henriques

Founder and CEO of Espaço Amar.
Founder and CEO of Consciência Sistemica in Portugal.
Mentor and Organizer of the I and II International Congress of conventional and holistic Systemic Awareness.

Chegou o momento de Unidos num só Coração, reverberarmos Amor, nos somarmos e doarmos, para que todos juntos e cada um à sua maneira, possamos contribuir para a Transformação da Consciência Humana, neste momento em que todos nós estamos a ser convocados a uma mudança de paradigma de Vida a que muitos chamam a chegada da Nova Era.

Sharing this Vision and materializing this Mission with the participation of all is a systemic experience of accomplishment that transcends me through Joy and the spirit of being at the service of something Greater that is shown and unveiled every day. I feel that we are all returning to Life the best it has given us. LOVE in its pure expression!

Many people and other volunteers have shared and offered the best of themselves in the 5 strategic teams that have been formed, in the Volunteers who walk on the ground, and I could not stop talking about the Ambassadors who vibrate in unison with us every day in this sharing of Love and Mission to unite all in one heart ? to be at the service of Life and Love.

In this great team we are all One

Maria Gorjao Henriques
