Systemic Health
How, When, and what makes us get sick?
Despite science’s contribution in its exponential evolution, despite the effort of all Scientists, of Health Care Professionals, despite all that has been done, specifically in the extending of Life and the quality of Life of people and for disease treatment, which might have been limiting, the causes rooted in the innermost structures of our Being stay, sometimes, unsolved.
It has been emerging in the World, accessible approaches to all healthcare professionals, with practical and consistent results. To this new vision of Health Practice, we give the name of Systemic Health.
How to approach Health in a Systemic way?
It’s proved by Genetics and Epigenetics that in our cells is contained all information given to us by our ancestors. That fact influences the human being’s life condition at all levels: physical, mental, and emotional.
It’s also proved that experiences and lived emotions in the gestation phase (pregnancy), childhood, adolescence, youth and adult life, leave its record on the individual and, consequently, its mark, sometimes unconsciously, which can originate unbalances, pathologies, symptom changes.
Looking at yourself and to another as integral part of a big system, understanding its working mechanisms, as well as of the natural laws ruling it, allows for a broader look at old and new problems and a greater understanding of the body language.
German physician Dr. Hamer already affirmed that “the disease is a survival program of the species and the individual”, it’s an objective disorder of the organism, being the behavior the result of biological and environmental influences.
It’s this look at the disease while I walk to the cure where we find the answer to rebalance what had lost its order, its place and/or belonging.
The Systemic Health finds answers in the questions that all of us make in the moment of anamnesis. That approach serves as guide to go many times to the root of how to bring to light the occult dynamics and the invisible loyalties that allow to facilitate the reestablishment of balance in the individual.
Hippocrates had already written: “Your natural strengths, the ones inside you, will be the ones that cure your diseases”
And so, the systemic vision and practice will look at the individual, observing it as a whole inserted inside a context that influences it and comprehending that the physical symptoms, diseases, pathologies are an expression of what needs to be brought to light.
“The disease is a shout of the soul that calls us to life!” (Vera Boeing)
Come to listen and to observe, in firsthand, what the best specialists worldwide in the area of Systemic Health have to show about this new way of looking and reestablishing Health.
Understand, through Family Constellations, the spiritual and psycho-emotional perspective of a physical symptom or illness and understand how unconscious loyalties to the family of origin influence and determine our condition of life on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
If the family of origin is not pacified, if any of its members is not being honored or recognized, sometimes someone is born or takes on the weight and pain of someone who had a difficult destiny or an illness at a certain point in their life. The aim is to restore the clan to the dignity and balance that has been lost or threatened.
Our first cell was offered to us 50% by our mother and 50% by our father. Nothing is forgotten in it and all the emotional heritage of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. is contained. The body is where our unconscious mind resides. Each event experienced, in the prenatal period, in early childhood and also in adult life, leaves its mark on the body, sometimes giving rise to diseases or symptoms that denounce that we are not living aligned with our essence, internal freedom and loyalty to ourselves. These diseases show how much we are living for the sake of others or in the service of the system and of a greater love that can compromise our lives.
Our life and our happiness are marked by the look of conscience that we adopt to interpret our relationship with our parents and the history of our family of origin. Constellating a symptom or disease is an opportunity to denounce where love has stopped flowing and where we are repairing what is not being seen, recognized or experienced.