Maria Gorjão Henriques

Founder and CEO of Espaco Amar.
Founder and CEO of Consciência Sistemica in Portugal.
Mentor and Organizer of the I and II International Congress of conventional and holistic Systemic Awareness.

Sharing this Vision and materializing this Mission with the participation of all is a systemic experience of accomplishment that transcends me through Joy and the spirit of being at the service of something Greater that is shown and unveiled every day. I feel that we are all returning to Life the best it has given us. LOVE in its pure expression!

This team of 7 was named Dream Team for being the hard core from which all communication comes out. The energy, complicity, spirit of help and Algeria of accomplishment that we all feel working with each other is an experience that surpasses us all.

Many people and other volunteers have shared and offered the best of themselves in the 5 strategic teams that have been formed, in the Volunteers who walk on the ground, and I could not stop talking about the Ambassadors who vibrate in unison with us every day in this sharing of Love and Mission to unite all in one heart ? to be at the service of Life and Love.

In this great team we are all One

Maria Gorjao Henriques

Dream Team 

This team was named Dream Team for being the hard core from which all communication comes out. The energy, complicity, spirit of help and Algeria of accomplishment that we all feel working with each other is an experience that surpasses us all.

Teresa Nogueira

It is an honor and an immeasurable joy to be part of this team!Every day I learn a lot and contribute to this movement to expand human consciousness. It is an alignment of Soul.I feel the mission of the congress as an extension of myself, as part of a systematic movement much larger and much broader than myself, and in which, we are truly united in one heart.

Cláudia Oliveira e Silva

I often say that discovering Systemic Consciousness was like a homecoming. Being in this congress, as a member of the team, is to consolidate this place of belonging. The desire to give myself to this event arose as a need to restore the balance between giving and receiving. Transformation is what I associate with this movement of liberation from the unconscious, and it is also what these 3 days promise.Well, let there be Maria Gorjão for this opportunity for growth and healing. #unidosnumso?

Daniela Miguel

Being part of this movement from within the organization team, in addition to being a great honor, is also a great learning experience in myself! Contributing to the alchemy of this movement, bringing the message of changing the human eye to a greater number of beings is a privilege!

Susana Ramos

It is an honor to be part of the team of this Congress and to give my contribution in order to get your message and purpose to the largest number of people possible. More than applying technical skills, I have developed the ability to see the world and what surrounds me in a systemic and integrated way, a look that achieves unity that is always present in diversity. What unites us is infinitely greater than what separates us.

Patrícia Duarte Gonçalves

One of my old wishes is now a reality; working with my art in favor of something greater, it is a huge honor, it is the materialization of the true sense of working with a purpose and at the service of the whole, integrating every day what it is like to live taking into account the laws of the system, maintaining always the flow of love, balance, belonging, and hierarchy, including everything, everyone, all nations, peoples and territories! Being part of this movement to transform human consciousness with this fantastic team makes this movement even more special. Thanks

Rafael Mata

Being at the service of a cause that transcends my own existence is the greatest gratification that I can feel when I am part of this movement for the transformation of human consciousness.It is an honor and privilege to be part of this fantastic team and to be able to contribute so that the systemic gaze begins to become a conscious part of the daily life of human beings and thus, together, we contribute to the construction of the New Age society.United in one Heart!

Palmira Carvalho

It´s called resonance. It´s a phenomenon in which a vibrating system induces a greater amplitude in another one, when they synchronize frequencies.

This internal wobbling started with Maria, the Congress mentor.

But no intuition would have warned me for the following tsunami.

I´m feeling overwhelmed by the COMMITMENT to this CAUSE of all the people involved, TOGETHER IN ONE ONLY HEART.

To organize a Congress that aims to RAISE the human being energetic level, to this scale, is LOVE.

For the individuals, the communities, for the continents, for the planet, for the universe.

To be part of this SISTEMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, is living in a dream.

Solange Alberto

It has been a privilege to work alongside Maria Gorjão Henriques in the organization of this Congress and to be part of this movement to expand Human Consciousness, with which I am completely aligned.

A delivery work, dedication and a lot of learning!

It is not possible to change anything on the outside without these changes taking place internally.

Gratitude Maria for making it happen!


Daniela Marisa Chaves

One of my old wishes is now a reality; working with my art in favor of something greater, it is a huge honor, it is the materialization of the true sense of working with a purpose and at the service of the whole, integrating every day what it is like to live taking into account the laws of the system, maintaining always the flow of love, balance, belonging, and hierarchy, including everything, everyone, all nations, peoples and territories! Being part of this movement to transform human consciousness with this fantastic team makes this movement even more special. Thanks❤️